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Department of Radiology
High quality X-ray and ultrasound are essential for the diagnosis and management of many conditions including – abdominal pain, pelvic pain, many types of fever, kidney and gall bladder stones, pneumonia and normal pregnancy.
We also have a dedicated ultrasound machine in labour and OT for guided procedures.
Our female patients come from near and far, so that they can have their ultrasound done by a woman ultrasound specialist.
“Leading gynaecologists and surgeons refer patients to Bhagwati Hospital, Mehrauli ultrasound department, as they can trust the quality of the report.”
Dr. Ankur Aggarwal is one of the best qualified and experienced radiologist in the city. She is an M.D. in Radiodiagnosis from Maulana Azad Medical College and has over 28 years of experience.